Business and Human Rights

Business and Human Rights
Rights Management

Protection of and Respect for Human Rights

We will respect human rights, support international standards for human rights and strengthen dignity of all interested parties by improving freedom, safety and quality of life.

  • Respect for International Standards Regarding Human Rights - We will support and respect internationally recognized standards on human rights, such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact, and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
    - We will establish clear policy and system for protection of human rights and endeavor not to violate human rights in our management activities.
    - We will support business partners to comply with internationally recognized human rights standards and regulations, protect their employee's human rights and treat them fairly.
  • Due diligence in Relation to Human Rights - We may, at our discretion, conduct due diligence on management activities that might violate human rights or cause complaints.
    - We will endeavor to find reasonable resolutions if, upon conclusion of the human rights due diligence, we believe our management activities have violated human rights or caused complaints.
    - We will communicate with the relevant interested parties regarding human rights related activities and results thereof.
  • Protection of Executives and Employees - We will not engage in verbal, physical or demonstrative acts that may offend others or infringes other's human rights such as sexual harassment.
    - We will respect privacy of executives and employees, will not slander or defame others, and will protect personal information.
    - We will not compel works through mental or physical coercion.
    - We will comply with local labor laws and international standards with respect to the age and labor conditions of minors.
    - We will strictly comply with safety regulations, and will take appropriate actions upon discovery of risk factors.
  • Respect and Equality - We will not discriminate or harass for reasons of race, nationality, gender, age, educational background, religion, regional origin, disability, marital status, and sexual orientation.
    - We will provide equal employment opportunity to those who possess necessary qualification and capability.
    - We will maintain work environment that respects cultural diversity.
  • Assurance for Legitimate and Humane Employment Terms - We will take prompt actions for human rights issues raised by executives and employees through the company grievance procedure.
    - We will offer adequate employment terms such as guaranteeing proper working hours to enable the employees to maintain life with dignity.
  • Efforts to Respect Community Human Rights - We will endeavor to listen to the opinions of the community and resolve issues of violation of human rights caused by our management activities in the community.

Cyber Reporting Center
What to report:
Consultation and reporting on human rights violations related to our business activities

Eligible reporters:
Stakeholders related to our employees and business activities (e.g. Those in the supply chain, local residents, and customers.)
Report a case