Sustainable Management

POSCO WIDE is charging forward to become a better company by having ESG and sustainability as part of our core competitiveness.
  • Enviroment
    We will reduce CO2 emissions and take the lead in the recycling initiatives.
  • Society
    We practice sustainable management to become a company that suppliers want to work with.
  • Governance
    We will enhance transparency in corporate governance by realizing shareholder’s values and reflecting the views of the stakeholders.
ESG Strategy and Implementation System

POSCO WIDE aims to create a sustainable future by spreading the impact based on value and innovations. To that end, we formulated three ESG strategies, under which key initiatives are being implemented.
  • Management by Trust
    To establish a culture of fair trade, we conduct annual compliance training for all employees and fair trade training for employees in relevant departments. We have set up a internal monitoring system to check the implementation status of ethical governance.
  • Environmental Management
    In order to grow into an environmentally friendly company, POSCO WIDE is undertaking carbon reduction projects and is proactively working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Social Contribution
    We set the direction of our social contribution initiatives by establishing a system for existing businesses. We are committed to create value that fulfils our social responsibility by communicating with internal and external stakeholders.
Key Performance
  • Business
    Economic Value
  • Society
    Scale of Social Contribution
  • People
    Number of employees