environmental management
POSCO Group environmental management
- We secure global leadership by establishing a family environmental management system based on ISO14001.
- We comply with environmental laws and constantly strive to protect the environment, considering all processes.
- We minimize pollutants by implementing a clean manufacturing process and applying optimum prevention technology.
- We establish a resource cycling society and improve ecological efficiency by efficiently using natural resources and by-products.
- We reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead low-carbon green growth by using clean energy and applying green technology.
- We secure management transparency and aim for sustainability through public transparency of the performance of environmental Management.
Accordingly, POSCO WIDE establishes environmental goals and promotion strategies and carries out related activities.

‘Together Green Picture’?
- - "Together", which means that all members need to participate in achieving the carbon neutrality goal.
- - To save the environment through carbon neutrality, "Green" symbolizes nature.
- - "Picture", which means a blueprint for the project.
‘자원多잇다’ contributes to carbon reduction and environmental protection by finding needed owners for used items generated by companies.
“It contributes to saving costs for purchasing and disposing of items and reducing carbon emissions.”
‘자원多잇다’ contributes to carbon reduction and environmental protection by finding new owners
for used items generated within the company instead of disposing of them.
- Cost savings
on disposalPoint.1
The company supplying the goods saves on disposal costs.
- Cost savings
on purchasesPoint.2
The company requesting the itmes saves on purchase costs.
- Carbon reduction,
Reducing the amount of waste disposed reduces carbon emissions from incineration and contributes to environmental protection.

Collaborate with Oh Dae-ho, the first Korean junk artist, to support the revitalization of junk art that has not been popularized and promote environmental preservation awareness for local citizens
“Raising awareness of resource circulation by reinventing and displaying waste resources generated during business in collaboration with Korea’s No. 1 junk artist”
Goods made of upcycles support blacksmith's traditional cultural inheritance and social ventures.
The proceeds from product sales will be donated in full for environmental protection and future generations.
We collect waste collection equipment and materials generated during the interior business, distribute them where necessary, and spread awareness of upcycling.
“Leading in environmental protection through contribution activities to local communities by reusing waste collection equipment and materials”
The government-supported greenhouse gas reduction practice system reduces energy (electricity, water supply, and city gas) consumption in homes and commercial facilities and gives points according to the reduction rate.
“Participate in carbon reduction activities at home and in daily life while performing work by linking the characteristics of building and facility management”

The use of eco-friendly cups by all executives and employees has reduced the use of disposable cups by executives and employees.
“We create an environment that does not use disposable cups, naturally practice carbon reduction activities, and expand our influence by sharing eco-friendly cups with employees and business partners”
By using smart devices such as projectors, laptops, and tablet PCs, we have established a smart conference culture to minimize paper use.
“Reducing carbon emissions from paper use by creating a meeting and reporting culture that makes the most of smart devices and avoids habitual printing”
We have spread awareness of environmental protection by launching campaigns that can be easily implemented in our work.
“Creating an environment that does not use disposable cups, naturally practicing carbon reduction activities, and expanding influence by sharing eco-friendly cups with employees and business partners”