Social Contribution

Social Contribution
  • Take care of my house
    It is a project to donate talent to local communities that support facility safety diagnosis and repair work by utilizing facility management expertise.
  • Environmental Experience School
    As an activity to spread the right perception of resource recycling, it is an activity to spread the importance of environmental basic facilities and understanding of resource circulation through recycling experience education and field trips.
  • Community life
    It provides various opportunities to local residents and improve awareness of the golf industry by creating a cultural space and supporting promising golf trees so that they can coexist with the local community and grow together.
  • Non-face-to-face contribution project
    In line with the untact culture and era, we are conducting non-face-to-face contribution activities in line with paradigm changes such as step donation using apps, safety, and fire prevention kits.
  • Public-private partnership project
    POSCO Group is promoting social contribution projects through public-private collaboration with government/public institutions and non-profit organizations to enhance the spread of social impact.